About Paris & Métropole Aménagement

Ecoquartier Clichy-Batignolles © Philippe Guignard - Air Images

Paris et Métropole Aménagement (P&Ma) is a planning authority for differents projects in Paris. It is a local company, publicly owned by the city and the county of Paris, headed by Eric Lejoindre and managed by Sylvie Borst. P&Ma holds the concession to the urban development zones (ZAC) of different development projects in four Parisian arrondissement, or districts. Following a partial investment of €6 million by the Greater Paris “Metropole”, its intervention zone has been extended to the suburbs of Paris.


Paris et Metropole Aménagement was created in 2010 by the City of Paris to coordinate the development project of the district Clichy-Batignolles in the north-west of Paris (75017). The company’s area of focus was extended to new projects all around Paris in October, 2015. Since december 2018, its capital is held by the City
of Paris and Métropole du Grand Paris. P&Ma is currently involved in six projects in Paris:

It is contributing to the renewal of development models and practices, with a view to reducing the carbon footprint of the city and meeting people’s new lifestyle expectations.


P&Ma is responsible for urban development. Its missions are defined by the concession contracts in enters into with Paris. These contracts define the building program and public works that have to be undertaken, but also the missions of the company in each zone.

P&Ma’s general missions include:

  • Land acquisition, mostly from institutional owners (SNCF for Clichy-Batignolles and EPFIF for Saint-Vincent-de-Paul), property management, and resettlement.
  • Deconstruction, decontamination, and land use management.
  • Construction of public buildings and infrastructure.
  • Definition of the buildings lots (with respect to the program type and desired of social mix).
  • Selling the property charges.
  • Beyond coordinating construction, P&Ma overseas the architectural and environmental quality of the process.
  • Financial management.
  • Administrative procedures.

More specific missions include:

  • Implementation of Paris's “Plan Climat”, action plan on climate change.
  • Coordination of the public owners.
  • Communication and consultation.


P&Ma is in charge of six urban development projects in different districts of Paris.

Discover our projects



Linked documentation

  • Gare des Mines - Fillettes

    Gare des Mines - Fillettes's brochure (2025)

    13.02.2025 Plaquettes professionnelles 10.28 MB

  • Chapelle Charbon

    Chapelle Charbon's brochure (2025)

    25.02.2025 Plaquettes professionnelles 7.34 MB

  • Clichy-Batignolles

    Clichy-Batignolles's brochure

    22.01.2024 Plaquettes professionnelles 6 MB

  • Saint-Vincent-de-Paul

    Recycling urine

    24.01.2024 Vidéos

  • Société

    P&Ma's brochure

    16.09.2020 Editions 3.37 MB

  • Paul Meurice

    Paul Meurice's brochure

    20.07.2020 Editions 4.83 MB

  • Porte Pouchet

    Porte Pouchet's brochure

    20.07.2020 Editions 820 KB

  • Clichy-Batignolles

    Projet CoRDEES, lessons learned

    04.11.2019 Plaquettes professionnelles 12.85 MB